Same Day DOT Physicals
Drug & Alcohol Testing
Gallatin, TN
Parking for big rigs, buses and tractor trailers is available right next door at Food Lion Grocery Store.
Same day appointments
Walk in’s welcome
Please call for appointments
Office Hours (Central Time)
Monday – Friday
7:00am – 5:00pm
By Appointment
Having affordable and fast testing is crucial to keep drivers on the road and that’s what we strive to provide our clients.
We’d love to hear from you
Please contact us
DOT Physical Doctor
Dr. Michael Tigges
National Registry #9693225035
Pass Your DOT Medical Exam!
Dr. Tigges knows how important it is that you continue your livelihood as a commercial driver. With his extensive knowledge of the DOT Physical Exam medical guidelines, Dr. Tigges will steer you through the DOT Physical Exam requirements so you can Keep on Truckin’.
DOT Medical Exam Services
- DOT/CDL MEDICAL EXAM ~ Our prices are the lowest in the area. $75.
- Certified DOT Drug Testing
- Certified DOT Breath Alcohol Testing
- School Bus Driver Physicals
- Pre-employment Physicals
- DOT Random Drug Testing Programs
We offer same day appointments and while appointments are preferred, walk-ins are welcome.
Our office staff Virginia and Shelia are here to help.
No Waiting! We are committed to getting you back on the road in no time.
We are a TeamCME Clinic! Nationally Recognized as a Provider of Fair, Ethical DOT Physical Exams!
For more information see our Same Day DOT Physicals Drug & Alcohol Testing website.
We take care of your DOT Medical Card process and get it done right the first time at Same Day DOT Physicals Drug & Alcohol Testing!
Other Services
- Digital X-ray on site
- Chiropractic treatment
- Physiotherapy
- Rehabilitative exercises
- Workers’ Comp and Personal Injury Auto Accident Whiplash Treatment
- Physical Abilities Testing Certified
- Nutrition
Local Business Information
Food Lion Market. Perkins Drugs. Sumner Regional Medical Center. Hardens. Sonic Drive In.
What Drivers Are Saying
“Great place to go to! Very nice and welcoming from the moment you walk into the door. I would highly recommend everyone to go to Dr Tigges for any medical needs. The lady in the office is extremely nice as well.”
Justin M
“Very short wait time. Super friendly staff. I always get stressed when I get a physical for work, which causes blood pressure issues. The staff kept me calm and got me through it just fine. The doctor had great information to offer that will help me in the future.”
Robert D
“Great experience! Friendly professional staff. I will definitely be using them again and I highly recommend them!”
Damar N
“Very good group of people. I was a walk in. Only wait time I had was me filling out papers. Staff was excellent, made me feel like I was family. Tigges did a great job of explaining things I didn’t know and he didn’t miss a thing in the exam. I would recommend him to anyone. I am even going to send my wife there for chiropractic care. I will return for my next DOT physical.again!”
Dwight C [contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]